Sitting the new smoking? My Standing Desk Alternative

I’ve been looking into buying a standing desk for a few months now.  While the recentIMG_20140917_142034 inspiration has been articles such as this one from Runner’s World, I’ve generally found that I think better standing up and walking around.  In fact most of my walls in my home “office” (/mancave/fortress of solitude/place of banishment) are covered with post it flip charts with notes.

I looked online for a good standing desk at various places, from Mayfair to Amazon to Walmart.  However, I found most of those weren’t a good fit, they were either too small (enough to fit a laptop) or too big and bulky to move around), and most were upwards of $50 for a small one to a few hundred for a bigger one.

However, today, was working from home and out of habit I found myself working in my bedroom because there is more light there, and for calls I get better reception there.  Eventually I noticed that I was setting up my computer and papers on the ironing board that was sitting out and it was the perfect height.  Not only that it was also the perfect size to allow for a laptop, notes and my phone.

Sooo, after my meetings in the afternoon, I dragged the ironing board to my basement and am testing it out to see how it works out over the long run.  I mean at $20 – $30, you can’t go to wrong.  Plus it’s easily adjustable to get my kids in the habit of standing and working too!