Weight Loss Progress 2/21 (Things were going well then vacation happened)

Graph2-21Starting Weight: 175
Previous Week’s Weight: 169 lbs
Planned Weight: 165 lbs
Current Weight: 169.8 lbs
Weekly Loss -0.8
Total Weight loss: 5.2 lbs
Body Fat %: 23.9


Obviously things aren’t going smashingly, but I am not overly concerned yet.  Things were going well, but the last three weeks have been hard due to vacation and then travel for work.  The first of those three weeks, I didn’t track the work outs and food as well as I had initially because there were a lot of things going on the week before vacation… last minute things to take care of, kids having unexpected days off from school, etc.  Week 2 was vacation, and even though I did run three of the five days on vacation… well, it was a vacation.  I was just happy that when I came back home, the scales were where I had left them. Week 3 unfortunately not monitoring and being vigilant has caught up to me.  Fortunately the scale only ticked up 0.8 of a pound.

So this week it’s back to close monitoring and getting back on track and the weight loss trajectory in the right direction.