Martial Arts is like parkour, not a track meet

parkourMy kids have started taking parkour so I’ve had a lot of time to think about parkour while sitting and watching them practice.  For those of you who are not familiar with parkour, here’s a video of David Belle, one of the founders doing what he does best  Now my kids aren’t at this level yet, but a father can dream!

Anyways, what make martial arts like parkour and unlike a track meet?  Track meet have specific events with specific techniques for those events.  You see every hurdlers jump the hurdles the same exactly way.  Every high jumpers tackles the high jump in almost the same manner.  You can use high jump techniques for a hurdle. Some people think martials are is like that.  You have techniques for when someone punches your and you can techniques for when someone kicks you.  You can’t use the punch techniques for kicks.  Unfortunately some instructors teach the martial arts this way too.  Regimented movement and techniques.

However, to me, martial arts is more like parkour.  Parkour teaches you techniques.  And while the techniques may have specific purposes, they can be used in a variety of situations.  No restriction is in place that only a certain technique can be used for scaling a wall or jumping a fence.  Technique are taught and it is up to the traceur (someone who practices parkour – don’t ask…it’s French, I would have called them parkourers) to choose what techniques to use when based on their ability.  Someone may use their hands to vault over a bench, whereas someone else may just jump over it.  Parkour teaches your body how to move, and a traceurs goal is to get from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible using any techniques in their arsenal.  Unlike a track meet, their terrain and obstacles are everchanging.

This is what martial arts is–a set of techniques that teach your body how to move and it is up to the practitioner to select the right movement for the situation.

What Running Can Teach the Martial Artist

runningRunning is something every able bodied person has done in their life.  It is something that people have been doing pretty much since they first learned to walk.  The basics of running are simple.  You put one foot in front of the other in rapid succession.  Martial arts, on the other hand, is fairly complex.  At a minimum there are blocks, kicks, and punches.  With weapons based martial arts like Arnis, there are even more significantly complex.

So what can running teach a martial artist?  Many students starting on their martial arts journey have unrealistic expectation of themselves and their training.  Just like with running, there are right ways to do things and wrong ways.  Just because we have been doing something for a long time, doesn’t mean we are doing it the most effective and efficient way.  While this article is focus more on students who are just starting on their path in martial arts, there are lessons for even seasoned practitioners.

Here is what running can teach us about martial arts training.

It takes patience.  Running seems pretty straight forward, yet there are a lot of subtleties to it that can make a huge difference in how successful you are.  Do things incorrectly and you run the risk of injuries, sprains and muscle fatigue. Do something wrong in martial arts and you not only risk significant injury.  It is going to take time to fully learn a technique.  Have patience, take time to learn a technique properly.

It takes practice.  With running, one of the first things you have to do is build a base. This is running, mile after mile, doing as much as you can to get your body used to running.  Here again many students feel that once they do a technique properly, they know it.  But there is a huge difference between doing a technique a few time and doing it many, many times, learning what works on different partners, in different ways.  It take months if not years to have it committed to muscle memory.  As my instructor used to tell me.  “You got it.  Now do it a few hundred more times.”

Save speed for last (except for on this list).  Any runner will tell you, focus on distance, breathing, pace and technique before focusing on speed.  The same is true for martial arts.  Speed will not do anything for you if your technique is wrong. Yet, I come across so many people in the martials arts world who think that speed and strength trump proper execution.  This is not just from new students but also instructors who focus on “faster” and “harder” without focusing on the movement.  If you focus on your art and train properly, speed will be a natural result.

It takes dedication.  Just like you can’t run once in a while and expect to successfully run a marathon, you can’t expect to train intermittently and get the full benefits of martial arts training.   There are times.  I hate getting up in the morning at time to run, yet, I know to reach my goals I have to.  More often than I would expect, I will have a student who trains just once a week and even that isn’t always consistent.  At that amount I feel the student is not really benefitting from their training.  Especially given the amount of material in Arnis, every week that is missed, I feel like the student takes a step backwards.  Consistent training is such an important aspect of getting movements committed to muscle memory and addressing all the little nuances that make the difference in the successfully execution against an opponent.

So as with running, take time to learn the right way to do things.  Have patience and don’t feel like you have to do everything right the first time.  Martial arts is about learning and growing.  Practice a technique over and over again until you not only know the movement, but you understand the mechanics and philosophy behind it.  Save speed for last.  To me it is the least important aspect to focus on.  It will come with training and time.  Finally, stay dedicated to the art.  It isn’t about one or two techniques.  It is a way of life.




Weighted sticks for training

I’ve recently started to incorporate weighted sticks into training in my classes.  These are approximately 5 lbs stainless steel sticks.  I’ve found them useful for three main things.

  1. Execution of proper technique
  2. Strength
  3. Flexibility

This article is going to focus solely on the first item.  I hope to discuss 2 & 3 in a later entry.  When students first start training with sticks there are a lot of learned muscle memories that I feel are counter to proper technique execution for Arnis.  Some of these include:

  1. Leaving the stick in front of you rather than chambering it back
  2. Flicking of the wrist at the last minute
  3. Going too fast to effective learn the technique.

What I have found in my own training is that number one, if you leave a weighted stick out in front of you all the time, your shoulders and forearms are going to get tired.  This will naturally force one to bring the arms, elbows, etc closer to the body.

For number two, most people will not be able to effective flick a heavy stick.  The weight of the stick, even at 5 lbs is heavy enough to eliminate this tendency.

Finally, tying into the previous item, the weight of the stick prevents quick execution of the movements.  For some reason, we have come to believe that speed is a sign of mastery and every student tries to go fast.  With a weighted stick, once a student realizes that they cannot go fast due to the momentum of the weight, then they can actually focus on the technique.

View the short video above demonstrating its use.

Do you C-step? C-Step and your surrounding

The C-Step

c-step1The c-step (as illustrated to the righ) is an important aspect of the foot work in Modern Arnis as well as many other martial arts.  As a quick maneuver it can help you avoid an incoming hit or object, and it can also help you quickly switch angles.  However, often times, I see this movement being executed incorrectly, mostly because students do not understand the full scope of the c-step. Yes, it is quick and can help you move around quickly but it also can help you sense your environment without having to look around.  Let’s first talk about how a few things regarding how to execute the c-step (this is not a guide to the c-step)

  1. Your body should not move vertically.  Often I see students who straighten out their legs every time their feet meet and then lower themselves as they step.  The body should remain steady vertically as you step.
  2. Only one foot should bear your weight when moving.  Sometimes people execute the c-step as if they are walking, transferring weight from one foot to the next.  Ideally, when the foot that is moving leaves the floor it should be lifted vertically staying parallel to the ground as it moves through the “c”.
  3. Foot should not drag on the ground.  The foot should remain about a centimeter above the ground but should not touch the ground and it should not be angled. 

Now why are these steps important?  The reason these steps is because they help you move in an environment where the ground may not be as even and free of object as the mats in your school. 

Keeping your body level keeps the body in balance.  Try moving up and down as you’re doing the c-step and back into a bench or a chair or even someone kneeling over.  You will immediately sense the lack the balance. 

Only one foot bearing your weight keeps you stable.  Walk backwards into a wall and see how your body reacts.  Imagine that during a confrontation.  Now use the c-step.  You’ll notice that because it is a non-weight bearing heel that hits the wall, you are able to adjust accordingly.

Keeping your foot parallel to the ground keep you from stepping on things.  This is pretty straight forward.  Step on a stick and what happens? Your foot slips.  How walk into a stick using the c-step properly.  You push the stick out of the way or sense it rather than stepping on it.  Keeping it parallel to the ground also ensure that you don’t step over something because your foot is angled, only to bring your weight down on it when you plant your foot. 

And the c-step is not only useful for confrontations in the street.  As a parent I can personally vouch that this skill has saved my hide many a time avoiding toys in my kids room at night.

Can Weapons Improve Close Quarter Techniques

stickstrike2When people think of weapons, they immediately think of long range fighting techniques.  But weapons can significantly improve close quarter techniques as well. Using a weapon tranforms how your body works, how it moves and how it reacts.   Over the years I’ve observed several ways in which weapons have helped me adapt to open hand/close uarter techniques.

  1.  Staying close to the body.  Because you’re not the only one with a weapon, you learn to keep your hands and elbows close to the body, extending them only when striking.  Keep them, extended unnecessarily only creates a nice target for your opponent’s weapon.  This habit carries over to empty hand where techniques are executed close to the body.
  2. Body shifting .  Given the speed at with weapons move, the ability to block requires not only putting obstruction in the way of the attacking weapon, but also getting your body out of the way.  This is reflected in the practice of Sinawali.  This ability to maneuver is essential in close quarter combat for not only moving around your opponent but other objects and obstacles.
  3. Reaction speed.   Parallel to number 2, given the speed of weapons, your hand-eye coordination significantly improves.  Since the distance that an opponent’s punch or kick has to travel is minimal in close quarters, the quicker reaction times are a distinct advantage.
  4. Strength and flexibility.  Using weapons trains and strengthens and stretches all the stabilizing smaller muscles in the wrist and hand that aren’t as frequently used in unarmed combat.  This gives the hands much more flexibility and effectiveness required for close quarter combat.

There are probably many other ways that weapons help your body perform better in close quarter combat.  What have you observed in your own practice?

Filipino Martial Arts – Choosing a Martial Arts Series

This is a repost of an article I wrote 3 years ago but since they’re disappearing from the web, I thought I’d post it here.

Originally published on Chicago Tribune and LA Times around 1/2010.

Choosing a Martial Art – Filipino Martial Arts

If you’ve seen any of the Jason Bourne movies, you’ve seen the Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) in action. FMA is a generic term referring to several different Filipino arts including Arnis, Kali and Escrima. These variations stem from different regions of the Philippines however, at their foundation, they are very similar and many times the terms are used interchangeably. The most differentiating characteristic of FMA from other arts is that training starts with weapons. While Filipino martial arts are lesser known amongst the populace compared to Kung Fu or Karate, their simplicity and effectiveness have made them a integral part of training for martial arts practitioners as well as many armed forces.

Background: The first written record of the Philippine systems date back to the 1500’s as documented by the Spanish conquistadors. However, these arts are generally assumed to be significantly older. After the colonization of the Philippines by the Spanish, indigenous arts were banned and most FMA were taught in secret, being passed down family lines. It was during the 20th century that Filipino arts began to gain more visibility, first in the Philippines and then eventually internationally as skilled practitioners left the islands to spread FMA throughout the world. One of these practitioners was Remy Amador Presas who founded Modern Arnis. This is the art I have been studying for the past fifteen years.

Self Defense: The FMA are an extremely effective and complete self defense systems. Training starts with weapons techniques that evolve into empty hand techniques. Students generally learn techniques using a single stick (baston), double stick, dagger (daga) and stick and dagger. Weapons training can also translate to almost any object. Students learn weapon against weapon, weapon against empty-hand, and empty-hand against empty-hand. Additionally, depending on the exactly style of FMA, training can include joint locks, throws and grappling (dumog). Because of the variety of techniques taught and translated to use with or without weapons FMA can appeal to a wide range of individuals and body types. Additionally, because of the various fighting ranges incorporated in the art, FMA is well suited for those who want to keep their distance from their opponents as well as those who want to close in on an attacker.

Physical aspects: Because FMA are technique focused, most technique can be executed regardless of strength and flexibility, if done properly. Many schools, however, incorporate exercises to develop strength, agility and flexibility that can be an asset in more advanced training. Due to the significant focus on the use of sticks, the average practitioner will quickly develop arm and shoulder strength through the repetition of drills. Additionally, training with sticks that can move at significant speed also helps rapidly develop hand/eye coordination.

Typical Class: My typical class is approximately an hour and fifteen minutes long. When I have new students I will do a formal stretching and warm-up session for about ten minutes. Typically most of my students will stretch on their own prior to the start of class. The class itself consists of about twenty minutes of basic drills to develop speed, strength and muscle memory, followed by about twenty minutes of practicing previously acquired techniques. The latter half of class usually consists of building on previous techniques or learning new ones. If time permits, we also practice reality based situation analysis (i.e., how would you defend yourself in a certain situation).

Classroom atmosphere: Class atmospheres can vary depending on the instructor, but they generally tend to be more relaxed and less regimented than traditional martial arts. My classes generally bow in at the beginning of the class and bow out at the end, however, the rest of class is fairly casual. Uniform requirements can also vary and most school will required some sort of uniform, whereas individual instructors may just require sweats and a t-shirt.

Overall: The Filipino martial arts are an effective system of self-defense and one of the best training for weapons techniques. Due to the simplicity and effectiveness of the system, it can be adapted to many different situations and individuals. It is ideal for those who want to be able to quickly learn skills to defend themselves and expand their martial knowledge.

Choosing a Martial Art (repost)

This is a repost of an article I wrote 2 years ago but since they’re disappearing from the web, I thought I’d post it here.

Originally published on Chicago Tribune and LA Times on 10/2009.,0,1811106.story

Choosing a Martial Art

Important steps to take before you decide which move to make.

Mukesh Pitroda

October 30, 2009

The success of the various Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) organizations has increased interest in martial arts and self-defense systems. With so many different arts and styles now available, choosing the right martial arts for you can be a daunting task.

Here are a few things to consider:

Interest: First, it is important to understand why you want to take martial arts. While the most obvious reasons include self-defense, fitness and confidence, there are plenty of other incentives such as stress relief, meeting new people, cultural interests and personal growth. Make a list of your top five reasons, this will help determine which art is best for you.

Self-defense: This is a given, however it is important to consider what type of situation you are preparing for. While boxing may not be a formal martial art, it is very well suited for a confrontation where two opponents are squaring off. Or, you may want to be prepared to defend yourself should you ever be physically threatened. Reality based martial arts that focus on techniques are more likely to prepare you for self defense situations more quickly than a traditional martial art. Likewise, someone more concerned with being pinned on the ground may find wrestling or Brazilian jujitsu best suited for their training.

Physical limits: Some bodies are better suited for some martial arts than others. That is not to say that physical aspects cannot be overcome. In fact, martial arts are a great way to conquer physical limitations. Generally, if your stature is small and wide, you may more naturally take to Judo or jujutsu, given a lower center of gravity whereas a thinner person may find more comfort in being able to kick rather than end up in a clinch or on the ground. Additionally, if you’re barely able to touch your knees, Tai Chi may compliment you more than arts that use high, fancy kicks and acrobatic techniques like Tae Kwon Do or Capoeira .

Learning style: How instructors teach can greatly impact how effective a school and art is for you. Think about how you best learn. Are you a better learner when the curriculum is more rigid and formal, or when things are more flexible? Do you see yourself in a uniform when you train or sweats and a t-shirt? Will you gain more from an instructor who you consider a teacher or a friend? Generally, Asian based arts tend to be more formal given the deep history and tradition they bring with them. Newer arts such as Krav Maga, tend to be less formal, focusing more on techniques.

Consider this: What you get out of a system will depend on many factors besides the art itself. Some of these factors will be internal, such as your physical abilities and your dedication. Others will be external like the style of the instructor. Use the information above to help narrow the list down several different arts and then choose a school you feel will be a good fit. Be sure to visit a class for each of these. Talk to the instructors and the students (those who have been training there for awhile, and those who just started).

My New Sub-Freezing Weather Routines

The cold months are a great time to build up incorporate some strength training (I know I should be doing this all year around–it’s just easier staying indoors when it’s cold) and indoor aerobic exercise. 

Here is the routine I started this week

Strenght training (Su, T, Th)
1 Dips to failure + 3 negatives
2 Pullups till failure + 3 negatives
3 Dumbell Bench Presses
4 Lat Pull-downs
5 Dumbell Flyes
6 Inverted rows
7 Hanging leg lifts
8 Hanging on bar till failure

Indoor aerobic (M, W, F)
1 Kettlebell swings (5, 10, 20, 10, 5)
2 Kettlebell squats (5, 10, 20, 10, 5)
3 Elliptical 20 – 35 mins
4 Kettlebell swings (50)
5 kettlebell somethings (10 each hand)

Feedback?  What do you do during the winter months?

Fighting stance – The Weapons Mindset

Different martial arts approach the fighting stance from different angles.  Some are meant to keep the opponents at a distance, some are meant to allow for quick defense.  All incorporate some level of the following things into the stance to allow for quick defense either from footwork, angling, of parries and/or blocks with the hands.   A lot of these stances are, however, meant for hand to hand combat.  When you bring weapons into the equation, especially bladed weapons, these stances have several weaknesses, especially when you move away from the traditional weapons practice of thrust and defend.  On the street, you may not even be aware that your opponent has a weapon.  Take for example, the follow stance. 
While this stance may be perfectly effective in defending against a punch or a kick, the first thing I think of when I see this stance is that:


1.      If I had a weapon, a knife or even a pen, my primary focus would be to take out the right hand.  It is right there, waiting to be stabbed.    

2.     Another option would be punch with my left to get my opponent to defend using their left side to open up that side and them come in with a weapon from my right. 
3.     Finally and perhaps the most important is that this position leaves the two very vitals spots velnerable:  the eyes and the throat.   One may be able to take a not so perfect hit to the face or the throat, but if a blade ever made penetrating contact with either one of those areas, that could be a deciding move. 
The Filipino Martial arts having their foundation in weapons training, take a very different approach.  I will state my disclaimer here that this may not be the case for all practitioners, especially since for most people, the FMA didn’t start out as their primary art.    However the following is the ready stance as I’ve practiced it.  A few things to note here:

1.  the elbows are in providing protection to the vital organs from the front such as the heart, lungs and liver. 


2. the fists are facing inward and protecting the neck and face. 

Any confrontation with a bladed weapon is going to be quick, complex and messy.  No stance is going to ensure that I don’t get hurt.  Footwork and parrying will help, but asI’ve heard many times–if a blade is involved, you’re going to get cut.  However, at least here there is a fighting chance of ensuring that the first strike is not one that damages a vital organ.


As always, given the opportunity, walk away… run away if required.  I would rather that I never have to use my martial arts and live, then try to prove how skilled I am, especially against a blade.

New Year – New Defanging the Snake

After almost 2 years since my last post, I’m starting this blog again.  But I’m changing the format and purpose.  Initially the blog was just about Modern Arnis and martial arts, but there’s more to all of us than just one facet and rather than try to keep multiple identities online, I’ve decided just to move forward with this one.

However, I am keeping the title of the blog the same, because the concept of defending the snake is applicable to many things in life.  In martial arts, it refers to either debilitating an appendage or an appendage with a weapon.  It’s the removal of something that is a threat, yet it is not the complete destruction of it.  You can take out a hand with a knife so they can’t hurt you, but you’re not taking someone’s life. 

That concept can be used in other things in life as well to refer to things that are a threat to what we want to achieve whether it is motivation, fear, time, support, etc.

On this blog I plan on writing about many of the things I’m involved in besides martial arts, like writing and the million ideas that I’m working on but only getting 51% of the way to success (hence 51% entrepreneur), and running, etc. 

I hope that this will lead to two-way conversations, feedback and hopefully new ideas and new friends!